Monday, July 28, 2008

In the Meantime...

I am spending the morning with the Young Man, touring a college and talking to various college representatives. This particular college is currently Choice #2 in the heart of said young man, and although Choice #1 is a lovely college indeed, Choice #2 is much more likely to provide reasonable financial aid - an issue of some importance from a parental standpoint.

I am hoping to manage the visit without embarrassing myself by collapsing in a gasping heap and collecting a gaping crowd of onlookers. I am still suffering from the internal bruising and possible infection caused by last week's medical adventure, and am feeling every single day of the 50 years (minus nearly two months) that I've been more-or-less living on this particular planet. (The view is pretty good, but it needs more wool.)

See you tomorrow!


Tink said...

College! He'll have a great experience no matter where he goes. It's the one thing I wish I hadn't missed out on.

Nancy K. said...

I just found your blog through the Tour De Fleece site and have spent a delightful hour following your escapades! I will definitely return...

mrspao said...

He's such a lovely person that no matter where he goes he'll be busy enjoying himself in now time.

Hope you are feeling ok and the bruising clears up quickly. Don't overdo it, my lovely friend!