Thursday, October 15, 2009

Off Topic, And Possibly Off Color

This question is just for the ladies. With obvious exceptions.

What do you think is the sexiest, most erotic part of a man's body? What makes your engines rev when you are watching a movie, or a television show, or the guy at the cubicle two rows over, and he turns so that you catch him at just that angle, and...

I'll go first. Seriously, for me it is that area just under the ear, where the jaw angles and there is that tender, vulnerable spot on the neck. Seen from behind and to one side. Totally gets to me.

Yeah. I know.

Do you think maybe I was a vampire in my former life?


Carrie K said...

Yes. Yes, I absolutely think that you were a vampire in a former life when everyone knows it's his arms that do it. ;)

Nancy K. said...

I'm an arm AND eyes girl.
intense eyes and muscular eyes make me melt...

But he's GOT to have a good SMILE too!

Nancy K. said...

I'm an arm AND eyes girl.
intense eyes and muscular eyes make me melt...

But he's GOT to have a good SMILE too!

Celticsprite said...

The eyes have it for me, a good smile too.

krex said...

I am 100% with you on the neck thing and there are some guys from high school who probably still have the scars to prove it .

I am also a sucker for good bone structure and sculpted face...ala "Dr House" but can also fall in love with a voice, body movement and gestures of shyness .

Anonymous said...

that line where the hard abs turn into the hips. I just want to lick the line...oh crap. was that out loud??

pao said...

I am waiting for mrspao's answer with baited breath.

Dori Ann said...

Ooops, is it my age? I'm not sure I have one any more;0

mrspao said...

Nice hands and eyes.

mrspao said...

Nice hands and eyes.

Eve said...

Oh MY would I do that? Yep! But what about that nice tight butt? The one that is like a baby bottom nice and tidy only a bit rounded. Sometimes have to slap my own hand which wants to go touch it, feel the round niceness, err uhh honey where are you????byeall