Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nerves. And Stuff.

So this is the first time I am going to be trying to sell my skeins.

My folks are going to take a selected group of skeins and felted catnip toys to the North Country Fiber Fair this weekend. I had no idea how to price them, so I just took a wild guess - I can only hope that people don't laugh mockingly when they look at my stuff. I'm all nerves - eek!!

In the meantime, here's what I'm up to:

Spinning 50/50 Merino & Silk...

And knitting donations for a very important Benefit Auction that is coming up. I will post more next week, when I get all the details.

I'll let you know how things went at the Fiber Fair, too. Wish me luck!


Crosswinds Farm said...

I hope you sell lots!
If you send me your email address, I can send you the apple jam recipes :^).

Delighted Hands said...

Hope it goes well! I just registered for my first judged quilt show so I know the angst!
You will do fine!

Carrie K said...

Good luck! I hope you sell lots too.

timary said...

I bet your yarn sells out! It's gorgeous!

Nancy K. said...

Oh my Gosh! How did I miss this post?

I can't believe you're nervous about people buying your yarn! From what I've seen of your spinning, it is beautiful! If I had any money, I'd buy some! LOTS, in fact....

Laughingrat said...

That fiber is beautiful! I hope your skeins and toys sell really well. :)