Sunday, April 4, 2010

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted...

My mom is helping me tick off the one item on my Bucket List (thanks, mom!)

So I'm off to California. No, that wasn't the item from my Bucket List. The OCEAN is the item, and part of it can be seen from Hwy 1 and from the beaches along that route. So that is where we are going.

Along the way we will be visiting a few cool places and a few cool people (hi, Roberta & Rich!) and hopefully one or two cool whales.

I will report on our adventures when I return - around the 16th.

Until then, here are two Stephen Lynch songs. One is for those of you who is or knows a Gamer. The other is an Equal Opportunity Offender. Enjoy.


Nancy K. said...

Oh! Have a WONDERFUL time with your Mom, Eileen! The ocean is so beautiful. Magical, really. What a special gift between you and your mother to share this time together.

You're in my prayers.

The Violet Hoarder said...

Hope you are having a wonderful time communing with the ocean. Let us know the highlights when you get back!